Program overview

The PhD program EADS is structured as follows.

In the first year, students take a set of fixed bundle of basic courses in economics, analytics and decision sciences as well as several elective advanced courses that prepare students to conduct research in their specific area of interest. Laboratory activities on coding, collection of empirical evidence and data analysis are offered together with a number of long seminars run by faculty members who are external to the IMT School. Elective refresher courses in economics and quantitative methods are offered (online) just before the beginning of the PhD program. 

A detailed list of courses offered for year 2024/2025 is available here.
The list of courses for year 2025/2026 will see only minor adjustments, if any.

Teaching is mostly carried out by members of the AXES research unit, with significant contributions from members of MOMILAB, NETWORKS, SYSMA, DYSCO, and LYNX

In the years 2-4, students engage in their own research, under the guidance of the faculty members from one of the research units. Students are expected to present their research projects in the second year.  

Students also have the opportunity of completing their research projects under joint supervision (double-degree) with partner universities, including KU Leuven and the University of Alicante. All students are encouraged to spend part of their studies abroad, both within the Erasmus+ framework and through ad-hoc mobility agreements.

All Research units at the IMT School organize regular seminars by external and internal faculty members which complement the coursework with exposure to the latest research. Speakers at the seminars are leading researchers from all around the world. 

There is also a number of active reading groups covering a variety of research areas where students can present their work in progress or discuss ideas and interesting papers. Students are encouraged to present their research in internal seminar series and reading groups.